Monday, April 20, 2009

Still frickin here

4pm, still waiting on the apparent-total-engine-rebuild. I think the kid has actually done more than half the work, including messing up the pilot jet screw in the carburetor while removing it. Yippee, the one Bajaj shop in town does not have that part.

Upside, got to practice Telegu on the kids, who were alternatingly elated and confused as I slaughtered "I am pleased to meet you" and "I have nothing to declare at customs."

Had the piston and crankshaft re-machined and repaired at the "foundry," a machine shop around the corner. Ate street samosas and was offered and drank lime juice WITH ICE. While consuming ice is usually a terrible idea, I was so dehydrated and dripping with irritation that I just chugged it, hoping to drink minimal amoebae. Jau wisely declined the diarrhea drink.

About to call it a day...



  1. Augie,

    Have you forgot terriable food lesson in Egypt already? Please don't try 'questionable' water products in India again.


  2. Oh goodness.. Prathie is Telegu... and all i remember is something that sounds like "cutie" meaning "fuck you"... probably don't want to use that.. either to get laughed at or attacked .. or both.. ah well.. good luck you guys!

  3. don't know if we should admire or else to those young mechanics in India or similar places.
