Monday, April 20, 2009

Another night in Rajahmundry weeee

This kid was actually 15yrs old, coulda fooled me! His dad is 29.. do the math lol

So the mechanic finally got the beast running around 9pm. Seems spare parts for Bajaj petrol auto rickshaws are a bit diff to find, which explains most if not all of the delays today. Even so, I think they worked rather diligently. The carb jet that the kid banged up was eventually used, and they fabricated a gasket for some engine piece out of frickin cardboard lol. I mean its working so far. The mechanic and his bro got in a shoving match on best practices to burn in the engine, but finally decided we'd like it idle for a couple hours tonight, wake before dawn and idle some more, shower up, then hit the road and put 200km in before going above 45kph. Needless to say, we all were a bit perturbed over all these requirements, but I suppose that's what's needed when an engine rebuilt is requested. Tom actually stuck around, and I give him props for his patience. I could tell by the end of the night he was on his last straw heh. Not eating much and sweating out of all our pores the entire day can mess you up pretty good..

Tomorrow should be an eventful day!

1 comment:

  1. Really hope the TukTuk will have better run after the last fix.
