Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Late afternoon excitement

Aug here. Things got a little more interesting the last hour or so, with roads full of water buffalo, around 617 police checkpoints, and yet more mechanical shenanigans.

Police ranged from mildly disinterested and letting us through with just a few questions, to multiple people at the same checkpoint asking the same question in succession, checking our registration and licenses, and then asking for cash. So far so good, no cash paid.

Muffler loose again, and when we stopped to check on the rattling, found the engine leaking a LOT of petrol. Joy. But, after stopping at the next mechanic, found the problem to be a quick 5 second fix, and met some hilarious(ly drunk) guys at the petrol station who we joked with for a bit, relieved our engine wasn't mortally wounded.

Press on!


  1. You guys are totally rocking out, it's a beautiful thing.

  2. YAY Augustin lives!
